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Stephan Spencer: Keyword Research & SEO Tutorial for Online Course Creators | Thinkific Teach Online TV

Thinkific Content Manager Tyler Basu interviews SEO expert Stephan Spencer on how online course creators can use keyword research and search engine optimization techniques to optimize their online courses. 

About Stephan Spencer:

Stephan Spencer is an internationally recognized SEO expert and bestselling author. He is the co-author of The Art of SEO, a book with nearly 1000 pages, is considered THE bible on search engine optimization, boasts testimonials from such industry giants as Seth Godin and Tony Hsieh, and is even used as a textbook at universities. He has spoken at countless hundreds of internet marketing events, including all the major search & e-commerce conferences, he’s a contributor to numerous online publications, and the host of two top ranked iTunes podcasts, The Optimized Geek and Marketing Speak.

Visit Stephan’s websites:

Download Chapter 7 from Stephan’s book for free:

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