Comments on: How To Create An Online Course For Free (Software & Tools) Create, Market & Sell Your Own Online Courses Mon, 05 Feb 2024 21:39:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aaron Fri, 10 Feb 2017 19:11:00 +0000 In reply to Sil Kogelman.

Amazing recommendations! We love Screenflow here at Thinkific!

Just checking out Elementor as well. Looks like a good price! Thanks for sharing!

By: Sil Kogelman Thu, 09 Feb 2017 21:54:00 +0000 Nice list of tools Kathryn. Your profit predictor investment metric sounds interesting, see you at the webinar ?

A couple of software tool alternatives that may be worth mentioning:
(note: they are not all free tools, but in my case they’ve proven to be great in terms of ROI: as in return on time & money investment)

As an alternative to Beaver Builder I can recommend Elementor. It has a highly functional free version and their pro version is more affordable than Beaver Builders’ pro version. In my opinion Elementor is more intuitive, easier to work with. Elementor has great widgets for creating sales pages like the pricing table widget and testimonial widget. Other widgets for creating awesome content (blog) pages are also available, I love it. ?

And as a Mac user ScreenFlow is worth mentioning. This app has proven to be very valuable to me when creating courses and other marketing videos. (And it has a friendlier price point than Camtasia.)
Other free(ish) screen recording tools are available, but to me the features ScreenFlow offers are well worth its price.

And (depending on the requirements) as an alternative to Vimeo I used to recommend Wistia. Great features, but lately the price of their pro plans increased to a level that is not super friendly to starters anymore. They do still have a free plan.

Zapier and Thinkific
I love Thinkifics Zapier integration. Cool stuff alert: connect Thinkific + Zapier with Pushover. It allows you to get a customizable push message on your phone when you sell a course!
