Monetize your knowledge
Access features you need to launch a course, community, or digital download.
Drag and drop course builder
Website builder with professionally designed themes
Everything you need on a single, scalable platform
Try Thinkific for free today. Cancel anytime.
1 Million+
courses published
$1.7 Billion
earned by creators on Thinkific
378 Million+
course enrollments
Trusted by:
Gain access to core features and essential tools you need to successfully launch your online learning business.
Free access to our Accelerator Program
Unlimited Courses
1 community
5 spaces per community
5 Digital Downloads
5 Coaching or Webinar sessions
1 administrator
Unlimited Students
Email and live chat support
Branded Mobile (Add on)
Deliver your course content and communities to your audience with your own white-labeled mobile app.
Includes all Free features
Custom domain
Coupons & discounts
Affiliate selling
Unlock additional features designed to help drive student engagement and create an amazing student experience.
Free access to our Accelerator Program
Unlimited Courses
1 community
10 spaces per community
Unlimited Digital Downloads
Unlimited Coaching & Webinars
1 administrator
Unlimited Students
Email and live chat support
Branded Mobile (Add on)
Deliver your course content and communities to your audience with your own white-labeled mobile app.
Includes all Basic features
Bundles and add on packages
Memberships & payment plans
Live lessons
Advanced course-building options
Advanced website code editing
Grow your online business with more advanced tools that will help you sell more and expand into multiple learning products.
Free access to our Accelerator Program
Unlimited Courses
3 communities
20 spaces per community
Unlimited Digital Downloads
Unlimited Coaching & Webinars
2 administrators
Unlimited Students
Phone and priority email support
Branded Mobile (Add on)
Deliver your course content and communities to your audience with your own white-labeled mobile app.
Includes all Start features
Remove Thinkific branding
Thinkific Analytics
Bulk student emailer
Bulk enrollments
API access

176 reviews on Capterra
785 reviews on Trustpilot

211 reviews on G2

Start selling quickly & easily with your free trial
Discover different revenue streams through courses, communities, and digital downloads.

Bring your knowledge to life and start selling with a free trial.
No design or technical experience required
Engage your audience with quizzes and surveys
Upload video and other file formats to create an exciting course
Save time and sell more with fully integrated e-commerce

Complement your course with an interactive learning community that your students will stay for, and pay for - all in one place.
Create dedicated Spaces (virtual rooms) to host discussions, post updates and more
Engage your community members through live events, Q&A, office hours, coaching and more
Drive community engagement with in-app and mobile push notifications
Access 2 Spaces with your Free Trial

Digital Downloads
Offer eBooks, PDFs, guides, templates, and more to attract new leads and quickly boost your revenue
Upload your content in a few easy clicks
Offer your digital download as a free lead magnet or as a sellable resource
Create an enticing landing page with our AI-powered builder
Launch once and sell repeatedly, maximizing your income with minimal effort
Yes. You can cancel, upgrade or downgrade your account at any time from within your site dashboard.
Thinkific is an all-in-one platform allowing anyone to create, market and sell their course content. Whether you're a coach, podcaster, author, consultant, influencer, musician, instructor, or entrepreneur! Share your unique genius.
Your site is fully hosted with Thinkific; you don’t need anything else. Secure hosting and e-commerce are included.
Absolutely! You always own your student data and your content. We’ll never market to your students, and you can export your data at any time.
Full e-commerce payment processing is included. Accept all major credit cards with a simple and secure checkout, and receive instant access to your funds in your account. We provide an SSL certificate to help ensure that all your data and customer information is secure. Note that transaction fees may apply if third party payment processors are used.
"The other platforms wanted to nickel and dime me on everything. Thinkific's packages are simplistic and easy to follow. I love how user-friendly it is, and there is a ton of support. I like knowing that when I need something, I can get a response quickly."

Try Thinkific For Free
Creators like you have big ambitions. Why choose a platform that limits you? From 1 to 10,000+ students, Thinkific gives you complete customization while remaining easy to use. Our user-friendly platform is designed so that the only expertise you need is the one you already have.